Prince Machining Equipment Includes:
Vertical CNC Milling
- Five universal 5-Axis milling machines, max envelope 32” x 29” x 19.7”
- Ten vertical 5-Axis milling HAAS machines with indexers, max envelope 64” x 32” x 30”
- One 5-Axis mill w/ turning
- Nineteen vertical 4-Axis milling machines, max envelope 84” x 32” x 30”
- Twenty-six vertical 3-Axis milling machines, max envelope 41” x 21.5” x 20.5”
Horizontal CNC Milling
- Five-machine horizontal milling FMS (Flexible Machining System) with four loading stations, 500mm pallet
- Max envelope 31.5” x 29.5” x 32.5”
- FMS horizontal milling with two loading stations, 630mm pallet
- Max envelope 41” x 35” x 38.5”
- Four horizontal FMS machines with rotary pallet systems
- Max envelope 30” x 25” x 31”
- Fifteen stand-alone horizontal milling machines, max envelope 39” x 35” x 41”
- Seven FMS 5-axis horizontal systems with twenty pallets each, max envelope 20” x 20” x 20”
Wire EDM
- Three wire EDM machines (Brattleboro and Pepperell locations)
- Two EDM drilling machines
- Fifteen Swiss-style turning machines, 1.5” max dia. x 24” length
- Sixteen large diameter turning machines, 15” max dia.
- Three small diameter turning machine, 1.625” max dia.
- Twelve Eurotech mill/turn machines, 3.19” max dia.
- Twin-turret, twin-spindle, live-tool capable
- Eight gantry-loader mill/turn machines, 8” max dia.
- Twin-turret, twin-spindle, live-tool capable
- Eight stand-alone mill/turn machines, 14” max dia.
Precision Grinding & Honing
- Four centerless grinding machines, two in-feed, two thru-feed, 2″ max diameter (Carol Stream)
- Two Sunnen horizontal honing machines, 3.5” max diameter
- Two vertical honing machines, 1.25” max diameter
Finishing and Assembling
- One vertical broaching machine, 10-ton capacity and 48” travel
- One Tykma laser marking machine, 4” x 4” marking area
- Two part-marking machines